Job Details

Senior Engineer Welding
Job Code : T20240500016
Education Level : S1 / Bachelor Degree
Department : Technical Integration
Type : Current Period


  • Define, develop, and evaluate welding quality assurance program based on best practice; Monitor and review industry welding best practices and technology improvement and deploy solutions; Ensure Quality Assurance implementation , Review and implement best practice - such as technical and process methodologies, procedures, standards and specifications for all types of OLNG construction and installation as part of performances monitoring system;
  • Review, analyze and evaluate the execution plans with respect to welding and implications for construction, implementation of welding quality assurance programs by monitoring, testing, or evaluating construction and installation performances for discontinuities or differences in characteristics of overall INPEX Indonesia project production system according to determined engineering standards (DEP);
  • Monitor and review contractors welding plans and quality based on project plan during FEED and detailed engineering design and ensure these plans meet project requirements; Review and monitor INPEX Indonesia Management evaluation (including (other INPEX Business Unit, JVP), and Third Parties on the Contractor’s deliverables quality assurance;
  • Review and analyze welding and relevant construction aspects and ensure adequate risk assessment and quality assurance of technical interface and integration and its process in Contractors/Vendors activities; Review and monitor the report feedback on potential risks during manufacturing and any limitations, testing, lead times, IMR, etc. to ensure risk assessment  and quality assurance for welding program are being documented;
  • Review and evaluate technical aspects on any deviation of specification, process, system, and others based on Project Welding inspection results, its impact to the overall LNG production system; provide technical justification and recommendation to those nonconformity treatment based on safety and environment considerations, deep analysis, and engineering philosophy/principles;
  • Create/propose early identification, KPIs, leading indicators and tracking system.  Ensure tools, procedures and QA and potential risk in technical and integration are all covered by quality management system; develop, monitor and evaluate database of INPEX Indonesia project; Maintain and record data, information, and documentation of any nonconformity occurrence both in Company and in Contractors.  


  • Bachelor degree in Engineering or Technical Science. Advanced degree in the above is Preferable.
  • Minimum 10 years in the oil and gas industry. Welding experiences are required.
All Engineering

Posting Date : 11 May 2024

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